/HE-nar a-LAI/
Graphic Designer

Level Up


Level Up Fitness was born from the combination of my two passions: videogames and fitness. Level up comes from video game jargon, and it means that you have to improve your skills either by grinding or with the help of a special power-up to progress in the game. The core concept of Level UP lies in the aspect of improvement through practice using points, badges, and leaderboards to create incentives similar to what video games do. In other words, Level Up will guide you step by step throughout your fitness journey.

We want to create a community where people can interact and share their results wherever they are. We want to provide our customers with the encouragement they need to keep moving up. Ultimately, we want our customers to achieve their fitness goals.

Our goal is to provide a platform to guide people step by step in their fitness journey by using gaming incentives such as points, badges, and achievements. Whether you come to any of our facilities or take us with you on the go with Level Up App, we got you covered.

©Genar Alay 2021